happy long weekend

happy long weekend guys! as i bragged about earlier this week, the cheeks are headed to palm springs! we go every year and it's the best family tradition EVER. maybe even better than thanksgiving? yup. definitely. i really hate turkey. we leave early tomorrow morning, but my brother is already there and taunting me with photos of the house we rented. we upped the budget a tad so we could get the mid-century dwelling of our (ok my) IG dreams. totally worth it and still so much cheaper than staying at a hotel. renting is seriously the way to go. though i love you ace hotel. i really do.

in other important news i got crown braids done for the first time! i am smitten. and hooked.

dry bar forever! next time i want to try this look.

what are you guys up to this long weekend? whatever you do make it a great one + be sure to treat yourself!



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