happy birthday HELLO SUNSHINE!
so, it's my blog birthday! AAAAAND guess what? the universe clearly gifted me with the best birthday present ever. THIS WALL.
it's been an amazing year.
a year of zero regrets, a few f'ups and a LOT of sunshine.
but it wouldn't a HELLO SUNSHINE post without some blunt honesty. so here you go. a little side note before i go celebrate myself. this day almost came and went. like any other day, i wasn't going to even acknowledge this milestone. but you know what? i am proud of myself. i love this space that i have made on the internet, my very own visual journal, documenting the early years of my journey through marriage + motherhood. and when my memory eventually fades my posts will help me remember how ridiculously lucky i am.
i also wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you who support this blog. it really means A LOT.
now, for old times sake, check out my first blog post here!