life right now...

first and foremost... happy summer! I know it's just the official day and LA has been teasing us with warm temps for months. but my favorite season deserves celebrating so. hurrah.

moving on.

life lately. oh man so many things.

work work work. UGH. can't wait for vacation. i think i already griped about this in a previous post but whatever are we there yet? one more month to go. tick tock.

max started summer camp this week! it has been a roaring fire of emotions let me tell you. summer camp is easily three times as many kids as preschool and there is constantly something going on. it's a lot for a kid who thrives on structure and schedules. but yesterday they had a bouncy house/water slide thing so he was a happy camper. two thumbs up.

knox turned four last sunday but the bigger event seems to be his haircut. it was hard to say goodbye to his long locks. but he is owning his new 'do and seems so much happier. bittersweet.

on that note, i'm thinking about cutting about 1-2 inches of my hair. stay tuned.

also, very happy about the return of one of my favorite blogs, hey natalie jean!

and finally, who is furious about families being torn apart crossing the border? how is this ok? human rights trump the law. pun intended. here is for info on what is going on, where to donate and some excellent words on the crisis.

ok summer, let's do this!







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