a bit of the weekend
by this point in every holiday season i am nearing burnout mode. and this year is no exception! i am ready for some serious vacay. the weeks leading up to now have been all kinds of crazy. the weekends have been a lot of 'have-to' this and 'have-to-go-to' that and running out of time to do it all. all good stuff, but enough already. thankfully, before i go into full-fledged anxiety mode, josh gets two weeks off from work. and we finally had a weekend where we found ourselves with nothing that had to be done. just a few, all of the sudden, we 'really-want-to-do this' this and thats. and we did just that. a bit of this and that. and it was just what this mama needed.
the weather predicted heavy rain saturday afternoon. we knew we would be racing the clock to get as much outdoor time as we could before the showers shooed us indoors. we decided we just had to go to santa monica for socks at rei, and hey wouldn’t it be awesome to stop by tongva park beforehand? because the real secret to a successful errands trip is a few hours at the park logged first. and that park is seriously rad. more on tongva park later guys, because this place really deserves its own post. but for now, a few photos!
knockie sees, knockie does.
a lot of parents make their kids stay out of the streams running throughout the park. but our kids love it so much i just can’t say no. i just tell them they may regret it later. but I know they don’t ;->
the playground area is also amazeballs. like i said, details later. photos for now...
that spinny chair thing is great until you're about to puke, lol.
this little dude was pretty proud of himself here!
runny noses for life :-(
rei, or any store, is always a bit of an adventure with the boys. they are so curious about it all, and are at the age where they just want to run, touch and eventually scream. hey wait, i still do that...
the rain finally came and we took cover in a cozy pub that ended up being really kid friendly. i’m usually turned off by a restaurant without an easy escape route or outside seating but the staff was great and no one looked at our stroller with disgust. can you believe that totally happens. we picked a booth in the back, trapped the boys in and played connect 4 while i successfully ate half of my salad before knox decided i was done. he did hand fed me a dozen fries though, so there is that.
the connect 4 game was such a hit i didn't REALLY need to take selfies. but COME ON.
thanks to that plastic game and a round of awesome tater tots we had a great time followed by a not so great time driving home in brutal traffic. because la. in the rain. luckily, the kids slept and i got to write the majority of this post.
and that was our chill, but not that chill, weekend! i sincerely hope yours was excellent! and now, holy crap guys, two more days until christmas! i am suddenly very busy again. and i’m out!