got bored. took a drive.
as much i love watching maxwell balance a cup on his head, enough was enough. in the middle of his fifth attempt, i went into crazy mode and told josh we had to get out. please just drive us somewhere. somewhere far far away from the confines of our tiny west hollywood quarantine headquarters. we debated getting starbucks en route but decided against it. it felt normal to make such a trivial decision. my nerves were soothed. onward!
twenty minutes later we were in the angeles national forest. up up up the mountain we drove, veering through the clouds. eventually we stopped and pulled over to have a better look. the boys would have none of it. it was freezing for one. and another, unlike me, the boys seem to really enjoy confines? but for real it was super cold and windy. josh and i shared a cute moment taking photos and videos of one another, gushing at the beautiful COVID-19 infected earth, and tuning out the cries of our children who wanted to go back home.
twenty minutes later we were back home. back to balancing cups on our heads and slightly less bored than before.