date night in a yellow dress

the title of this post really tells the whole story. there isn't really much to say actually. just another fantastic night out with my love, in my favorite city.

we had reservations for 8PM at the black cat, a gorgeous gastropub in silver lake. but somehow we found ourselves with some time to kill before dinner. we decided to finally pay café stella a visit. well, the bar anyway!

the bar at café stella is just cool. it oozes ambience from every inch of the dark, yet chic and comfortable space. it's pretty hipster but also very french. I was immediately won over. and the drinks are incredible. i wanted to sample every single one but remained fiercely loyal to the sophia, the grapefruit-hued delight doused with the perfect amounts of mezcal, campari, agave + lime. this also happens to be the precise recipe to invoke a drunk video i sent to my bff later that night.

good times.

and it has a really pretty patio. i say this because the one thing LA is lacking is bars with patios. i will never understand this!

a peak into the restaurant.

a peak at moi, working on my bathroom mirror selfie game. progress.

it was hard to leave.

so we decided to come back after dinner. it was time to see a black cat!

dapper AF.

blurry food photos because taking them is painfully awkward and visibly annoying to josh. but you get the idea. also, YUM.

another blurry one. no excuse really? and i feel this post needs more photos of the dress right?

also, neither josh or i remember much after this photo was taken, which you can assume meant a few a few more rounds with sophia at bar stella part deux.

la fin.


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