summer '17

max started pre-k a few weeks ago. it's the same school and friends but he has a new classroom, cubby and teacher. so far the take-home crafts have improved ten-fold and the shift to wearing a uniform came without argument (other parents seemed not fare as well. also, little girls in their jumpers! girl moms you are having all the fashion fun). ANYWAY, with this new chapter beginning, the end of summer feels especially heavy. it's still hot AF but we've slowed down. holiday planning is already underway and josh and i are in this zone of wanting to improve everything in the house. i think i'm at level 9 and he is level 7. this is not bad AT ALL. it's exciting and fun. the new neon light fixture i recently procured with some in trepidation is especially dope. next up, removable wallpaper. WISH US LUCK.

but, i already miss summer. it's hot yes, but you can just feel fall. fall has that way of robbing you of fully enjoying the last of my favorite season and warm temps. the same way sunday's ruin themselves with the realization somewhere between 2 and 5 that ugh. TOMORROW IS MONDAY. it's the in-between stage. where your favorite shops start selling you on suggestions for wear it now and later pieces, layering tips. and dammit i just bought a beret. A BERET REALLY SCREAMS FALL Y'ALL.

so now, before i go all in with the chaos that is oct-jan, let's take a look back at the summer of '17...

we do not take the beach for granted. these are from labor day weekend at one of my favorites, topanga state beach. it was warm and breezy well into the evening. it felt like we were cheating life, stealing moments, hours... it was the longest day ever in a way i didn't even know was possible. 

biking in san pedro!

so many bike rides...

and basically running around in underpants as much as possible. 

summer of '17 is also when knox discovered his love of seaweed. 

so yea, we had an awesome season. and though summer of '17 may technically be over, knox still refuses to wear pants 99% of the time. because knox.



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