red dress + date night
likes: red dresses + date nights.
also, red shoes and a good sophia petrillo purse.
and shades. gotta have the shades.
as if looking fabulous in front of a chiquita banana ad wasn't enough, that night i found my new favorite restaurant, osteria la buca.
farro salad with dollops of avocado? yes please.
josh knows how to live a little. he ALWAYS gets a pasta. this was heaven with all the fancy mushrooms. more please! seriously we almost ordered another plate it was that good.
also found a bit of romance. LAWD did we need this date night.
next stop jones! i will forever love this place.
also very much enjoy: libations + cool cocktail napkins
and even better than a bathroom selfie? this collage photo album, butt cheeks and all.
the end.