museum of ice cream!

i am absolutely convinced this place is someone's idea of heaven. maybe a lot of people's. maybe even mine? ok, mine would be the soft serve GF/V version. but best believe i broke all of my rules during our visit to THE MUSEUM OF ICE CREAM!  

josh procured tickets months ago before it sold out for the second time. i had seen photos of the exhibit in new york and knew that this was something we could not miss. usually i do the planning and logistics portion of our fun, but josh took the lead on this one. obviously this worried me. i was basically like do not mess this up or i will hurt you. maybe it was a little less crazy than that. hopefully. anyway, he did not let me down. we had tickets! we marked our calendars. i planned my outfit. and we waited. the day finally came.

and then we waited in line.

and waited... and waited! jk it was like five minutes but still. LET US IN!

accordingly, once escorted inside you are greeted by an adorable pink-clad docent who invites you to grab two pieces of dove chocolates while a few ground rules are recited. i don't remember any of the rules so i'm sure we broke a few of them!

if you have been stalking this place on IG you are for sure familiar with this old school pink phone room. i was so distracted that i didn't realize when you pick up seth rogan's voice is on the other end!

the phone room was supes cool but sadly inedible. on to the third room and more treats please! this time real ice cream! salted caramel from salt & straw. a bit too sticky for me though.

a sweet stranger took our photo! i don't know why i don't just ask people to take our photo. awkward i suppose. so it's nice when someone offers. thank you stranger!

the banana room was one thing i had not yet seen on social media and perhaps the boys' favorite. i'm feeling a banana split theme is happening here. whatever we loved it!

also i am totally bananas for this guy!

the mint room was the most boring but it had the best ice cream of the day - green tea mochi with mint chip ice cream inside.

the sherbet room as i will call it now was slightly chaotic. don't remember why. we mainly danced and stared at ourselves in the pink mirrors. no actual ice cream either.


he really, really, really loves purple guys.

OMG gummy bears?! that's not ice cream. i was confused by this.

so were they.

begging knox to take a picture with me.

got him!

not really ice cream. it was charcoal-flavored cookie dough on a cone. it was delicious and i'm thinking a genius idea really. thumbs up.

wait... did i say the banana room was our favorite? well it was until we swam in a pool of friggin' sprinkles. that's right. POOL OF SPRINKLES.

and it was heaven.

in this infinite bath of multi-colored candies i'm pretty confident max and knox ate at least 30.

the rest went down my jumpsuit lol. sprinkles were literally everywhere.

it's hard to top a sprinkle pool so the last stop is the gift shop and this ice cream sandwich swing. another kind stranger took our photo and three of us looked at the camera.

the end!



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