a perfect saturday...

it's monday. i am not a fan of monday's. some people really try to make monday's a positive thing (bless you nelda for trying!). but just no. no, i am not a fan of waking up early. nor do i enjoy waking my kids up early, which is then followed by the dread of getting them fed and dressed in under 30 minutes. 

i am a huge advocate of drinking 5 cups of coffee on the couch and double-tapping 20 pics on IG before anything else REALLY needs to happen. really i want to do anything but confront MONDAY. but it's here and i just have to DEAL. thankfully i have memories of blissful weekends to get me through the first day of what will be a long week. one saturday a few weekends ago in particular was especially awesome. sharing a few photos if you also need an escape from the day!

first park of the day! it was their little friend's batman themed birthday party! knox wasn't that impressed and stuck with the swings and snacks. this kid will stay on the swings the entire time if you let him.

behind the scenes, literally.

next stop... another playground.

hours later the batman mask still going strong. this one was in DC heaven. even i thought it was pretty dang cute.

next stop... echo park!

the perfect wall to go with the perfect day.

we walked around and had mohawk bend for dinner. sadly, no photos of the food. gobbled up way too fast. but i recommend basically everything and especially the vegan pepperoni pizza followed by vegan churros. good grief. no regrets. none whatsoever. need to go back asap.

our bellies full and our hearts content we made our way home, happy we still had sunday to look forward to.

happy monday guys ;-)


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