it's ma birthday!


it totally makes sense that i ended up married to a prop guy.

in almost every photo of my family growing up, my mom always had a prop. something to remember the occasion by, to warrant the use of film and the painstaking work it took to get a decent family photo. case in point. this picture. mucho party paraphernalia. clown plates, one red balloon and party hats (i will note that my parents are not wearing hats and my mom looks all foxy?!) clearly, it was ma birthday and that menudo record was my top gift that year. yeeea. vinyl at four. was i cool or what? and without this prop, would i have forgotten how much i worshiped them? nawwwww.

oh and PSA! it's ma birthday today. i took the day off and will spend it all by myself doing lots of super important stuff. like laundry. and agonizing over the dozen birthday promo codes taunting me from my inbox.

xoxo, le birthday chica

Sonia Cheek1 Comment