four dates of xmas! date 2: sushi and an arcade

hey guys! how has the new year been treating you all so far? mine has come with a big change - a new job! yes, i have an actual day job that pays my bills and stuff. the new job is a big promotion for me so yay! i am shocked and not shocked. scared but more so EXCITED. also praying i don't muck this up somehow. but i won't, right?

anyway, on the blog end i am still playing catch up (i know. belated posts are annoying huh. sorry!) last week i wrote about the four dates of xmas i had with josh over our winter break. well here is a little diddy about date two. you're welcome!

the second date of xmas 2016 edition was totally random. we did not hit the floor running. rather, we didn't leave the house until 11. vacation mode was beginning to take effect! our plan was to use a gift card josh got for an arcade in pasadena, have lunch, walk around, people watch. you know, normal stuff you can do when you don't have a toddler. or at least mine. before we hit up the arcade i really wanted some sushi. we pretty much just picked the the second one we saw that at least had a few people in it. turned out it was one of those floating sushi places, a first for me! gotta say, since i don't eat meat or fish it was a bit of a let down. 

it was fun grabbing the little bowl of edamame though. PS, dive sushi restaurants at 2PM on a cloudy day really do not photograph well hence the lack of photos.

moving on! after i got my sushi fix it was on to the arcade. we had an hour to play all the games we wanted. i spent 99% of my time playing tetris. because tetris! it was like riding a bike guys. 

i spent the remaining 1% of time crashing the crap out of this car. 

i was a bit skeptical at first. i mean an hour? at an arcade? video games aren't really my thing. but i was WRONG. the hour FLEW by. much like my vacation. but i still had two more dates of xmas left... and date two would be hard to beat.




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