on what took so long
so it took forever to get this ball rolling. well, the ball has been rolling, just reeeeally slowly. like on slow mo on your iphone. like since i could pick up a pencil and actually write something useful. i'd say I was about six when that happened. i’m sure ideas had been brewing from way before that but you know. somehow a few horror stories snuck into my collection of nancy drew and baby-sitters club books and I was hooked on trying to scare people. not necessarily ooogabooga scare people. but scare people by writing about the stuff little kids just don’t write about. like your whole town drowning from a broken reservoir. i'm talking to you spring valley, cali!
but where was i. oh yes. the point here. the REAL reason this blog took so long is what the heck do I call this masterpiece of mine? i could never start writing a story until i had a title. so without something to call this little corner of the internet this ball was going nowhere. i took to the nets and had it generate a few monikers….out came paris and pinto beans….pleats and parsley…ok…so then i put some actual thought into it….out came bjorn again…je ne sais mama. and nothing sounded right. then finally something did.
hello sunshine.
i know, a ‘lil hokey. but hear me out. my awesome kid brother, also a scary little demon of a child, was never much of a talker. his actions tortured many a front yard insect and my beloved dolls from around-the-world collection. oh yea. i was THAT girl, too. I also had that mandatory rainbow brite phase. back to the lil bro, andre, who, despite his up-to-no-good-always MO, started calling me 'sunshine'. ME! sunshine! a bright, warm force that would make him smile in between bug brutality. all through school he would call me sunshine and then once we were on our own he would call me up and say “good morning sunshine!” in all honesty it made no sense. i was not what you would call a sunny person. in fact, he is the only person who calls me that. so that’s what makes it special. and now i can get started.
this post was originally written 8 months ago. thanks for the reminder little bro. may you forever be on my ass.
sunshine and the ass kicker
for kicks and giggles you can find the blog name generator i used here.