easter sunday!

easter is one of those holidays that's just more fun for me with kids. before the boys hopped into my life the day came and went with little more than an "oh yeah" and another reason to drink mimosas in my prettiest floral dress. but suddenly now that i am a mom i am super aware. this is a thing. like all of our friends have easter plans and i feel like well, we must have plans too! i can't let my boys down lest they resent me some day for it. this is parenthood guys. anyway, being that josh comes from the same line of indifference when it comes to mythical bunny rabbits who like to hand out cavities for fun, i knew i had to take the lead and do the planning. so without much actual effort a few moms and a few kids met at silver lake meadow, had a lovely hunt and blissful afternoon. a few photos from our easter sunday...

marvel comics pre-filled eggs for the win!

we did not make the eggs difficult to find as we were dealing with toddlers and their extremely low threshold for patience and super high level of anticipation. we also assigned each kid their own bush with the exact same amount of eggs hidden in each. because god forbid one kid gets more loot than the other! and given the age difference of our little ones we agreed this was the best way to make everyone happy.

pick eggs not fights.

no floral dress today! i have actually banned myself from buying one for as long as i can help it. it's kind of a problem. 

sharing their eggs! i could just crack. haha!

my little dirt magnet literally holding dirt.

first peep of many that day.

running with peeps. not recommended AT ALL.

then we tried flying kites!

it was quickly destroyed.


we used the kite tails to make ninja costumes!

have you ever seen a cuter samurai?

working off at least one peep and two jelly beans.

before we called it an afternoon i had take a little walk to the end of the meadow to admire the beautiful blooms.

knox followed.

and then he did this. good grief this little dude cracks me up so hard.

and that was our easter! how was yours? 



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