silver lake playdate
i realize the title may be a bit misleading. there will be no children in this post. sorry! josh and i had a few hours to ourselves last week so we had ourselves a little playdate. and after camping last week, it was just what i needed to feel normal again.
our one date rule is that we try to go places where we would not take the kids. and despite it's reputation for being kid-friendly, we had lunch at mohawk bend in silver lake because we just wouldn't take our kids there. i'm not sure why, but i think it's because we used to have a lot dates there before we had kids. so it's "our" place? yea i don't know. also, ironically, we took pictures in the photo booth, something we always do with the littles.
we tried a new place next. and this one filled our requirement: it is strictly 21+. the black cat is seriously beautiful. i suppose it's a gastropub, but the little details made it really stand out for me. it's romantic and cool. chill, yet totally refined. perfect for our little playdate. also, no kittens allowed.
we left the black cat buzzed and happy. we walked around a bit, which is super fun to do when you have the spirit giggles. i bought a vintage dress for $20 that makes me giddy to think about. the same kind of giddy i get over my handsome baby daddy. he also took this photo of me using his sunglasses as the filter. i look like a total brat but i love it, and that he thought to capture that moment.
someone told me something once, about how you can tell if you really, really like someone. you can't say their name without smiling. I'm smiling just typing his name. so that means i really, really, REALLY like josh. yeah...
i just love our playdates. let's never grow up, ok?